Miku Action

by napamidevt


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Miku ActionMiku in Top Down - Action RPG GameModel : MMD Miku to FBX in BlenderShaders : Unity Toony ColorsAnimation : UnityCredit :TDA/Ohbey- LicensingThis application is allowed to user "Hatsune Miku" , "Megurine Luka" under "Piapto Charactor Lisence" of Crypton Future Media."Hatsune Miku" , "Megurine Luka" is under lisencing of Crypton Future Media.Creative Commons Public License to the illustrations of Crypton Future Media's Characters.Subject to the terms and conditions of “Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial, 3.0 Unported” (“CC BY-NC”), Crypton Future Media Inc. (Crypton) grants you a license to copy, adapt, distribute and transmit illustrations of Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO and KAITO (collectively, the “Characters”) for non-commercial use.http://piapro.net/intl/en_for_creators.html